Ayurveda is an ancient system of Indian Medicine which is deeply rooted and survived since 5000 years just because of its Authentication and effect. It has been practiced in our country for centuries.
In Ayurveda ‘Ayu’ means ‘life’ and ‘Veda’ means ‘Science’ and it can be appropriately be called “The Science of Life” which is a part of Vedas.
Bhaved: Traditional Ayurveda & Nature Cure
You will be assessed by a Qualified Doctor and therapy programs made to address the root of your problem.
“Bhaved” is an unique centre in which “Traditional Ayurveda & Nature Cure” will be presented in royal and scientific way. Ayurveda & Nature Cure is an ancient system of Indian Medicine which is deeply rooted and survived since 5000 years just because of its Authentication and effect. It has been practiced in our country for centuries. Now a day Ayurveda & Nature Cure has become the part of life. People are willing to adhere the concept like “Prevention is better than cure” for which Ayurveda & Nature Cure will be the best answer. Bhaved is not only deals with the treatment but also about life style management, Diet, knowledge about medicinal plants, awareness about our ancient system of medicine. You will be assessed by a Qualified Doctor and therapy programs made to address the root of your problem.
“Bhaved” is located in Gokulam Contour Road of Mysore city which is famous for its royal and heritage bindings.